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Large increase in ASD prevalence in Israel between 2017 and 2021. Autism Research

Oculomotor randomness is higher in autistic children and increases with the severity of symptoms. Autism Research


Functional connectivity of the human face network exhibits right hemispheric lateralization from infancy to adulthood. Scientific Reports

Comparison of three bioinformatics tools in the detection of ASD candidate variants from whole exome sequencing data. Scientific Reports

Adherence to treatment and parents' perspective about effectiveness of melatonin in children with autism spectrum disorder and sleep disturbances. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health

Increased neural variability in adolescents with ADHD symptomatology: Evidence from a single-trial EEG study. Cortex

Sleep disturbances are associated with irritability in ASD children with sensory sensitivities. J. Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Performance evaluation of Fitbit Charge 3 and actigraphy vs. polysomnography: Sensitivity, specificity, and reliability across participants and nights. Sleep Health

Association Between Early Developmental Milestones and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol

Exogenous oxytocin administration during labor and autism spectrum disorder. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM

Children with autism exhibit similar longitudinal changes in core symptoms when placed in special or mainstream education settings. Autism


The Importance of Language Delays as an Early Indicator of Subsequent ASD Diagnosis in Public Healthcare Settings. JADD

Children and adolescents with ASD treated with CBD-rich cannabis exhibit significant improvements particularly in social symptoms: an open label study. Translational Psychiatry

A distinct route for efficient learning and generalization in autism. Current Biology

Association between ultrasonography foetal anomalies and autism spectrum disorder. Brain

Home-quarantine during the initial Covid-19 outbreak in Israel: Parent perceived impact on children with ASD. Heliyon


Sleep Disturbances and Sensory Sensitivities Co-Vary in a Longitudinal Manner in Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. JADD

Consortium neuroscience of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: The ENIGMA adventure. Human Brain Mapping

Diagnostic Yield and Economic Implications of Whole-Exome Sequencing for ASD Diagnosis in Israel. Genes

Basic oculomotor function is similar in young children with ASD and typically developing controls. Autism Research

Association Between Antenatal Antimicrobial Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder-A Nested Case-Control Study. Frontiers Psychiatry

Early diagnosis of autism in the community is associated with marked improvement in social symptoms within 1–2 years. Autism

Association Between Abnormal Fetal Head Growth and Autism Spectrum Disorder. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolescent Psychiatry 

Individual magnitudes of neural variability quenching are associated with motion perception abilities. J. Neurophysiology

Young ASD Children in Special and Mainstream Education Settings Have Similar Behavioral Characteristics. Autism Research

Factors Affecting Family Compliance with Genetic Testing of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder JADD

Ethnic Disparities in the Diagnosis of Autism in Southern Israel. Autism Research


Estimating Autism Severity in Young Children From Speech Signals Using a Deep Neural Network. IEEE Access

Reduced sleep pressure in young children with autism. Sleep

Children with autism observe social interactions in an idiosyncratic manner. Autism Research

The National Autism Database of Israel: a Resource for Studying Autism Risk Factors, Biomarkers, Outcome Measures, and Treatment Efficacy. J. Mol. Neurosci.

Subcortical Brain Volume, Regional Cortical Thickness, and Cortical Surface Area Across Disorders: Findings From the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups. Am. J. Psychiatry

False Interpretation of Scientific Data Leads to Biased Conclusions About the Association Between Cesarean Deliveries Under General Anesthesia and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder. JADD

Comorbidity and health service usage in children with ASD: a nested case-control study. Epidemiology Psychiatry Science

Language regression is associated with faster early motor development in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research


The Relationship between Trial-by-Trial Variability and Oscillations of Cortical Population Activity. Scientific Reports

Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder in a study of 54 datasets. Nature Communications

Exposure to General Anesthesia May Contribute to the Association between Cesarean Delivery and Autism Spectrum Disorder. JADD

Neural Variability Is Quenched by Attention. J. Neuroscience

Quantifying the social symptoms of autism using motion capture. Scientific Reports


Autism Prevalence and Severity in Bedouin-Arab and Jewish Communities in Southern Israel. Community Mental Health

Anatomical brain abnormalities and early detection of autism. Lancet Psychiatry

Cortical and Subcortical Brain Morphometry Differences Between Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Healthy Individuals Across the Lifespan: Results From the ENIGMA ASD Working Group. Am. J. Psychiatry

Sleep disturbances are associated with specific sensory sensitivities in children with autism

The Magnitude of Trial-By-Trial Neural Variability Is Reproducible over Time and across Tasks in Humans. eNeuro

Epilepsy as a Network Disorder (1): What can we learn from other network disorders such as autistic spectrum disorder and mood disorders? Epilepsy Behavior


Toddlers later diagnosed with autism exhibit multiple structural abnormalities in temporal corpus callosum fibers. Cortex

Individual Movement Variability Magnitudes Are Explained by Cortical Neural Variability. J. Neuroscience

Effector-Invariant Movement Encoding in the Human Motor System. J. Neuroscience

The Negev hospital-university-based (HUB) autism database. JADD

Vision as a Beachhead. Biological Psychiatry

No evidence of early head circumference enlargements in children later diagnosed with autism in Israel. Mol. Autism

Neural Variability Quenching Predicts Individual Perceptual Abilities. J. Neuroscience


Increased ongoing neural variability in ADHD. Cortex

Differential sensory fMRI signatures in autism and schizophrenia: Analysis of amplitude and trial-to-trial variability. Schizophrenia Research

Prolonged auditory brainstem responses in infants with autism. Autism Research

No difference in cross-modal attention or sensory discrimination thresholds in autism and matched controls. Vision Research

Anatomical Abnormalities in Autism? Cerebral Cortex

Over-Responsiveness and Greater Variability in Roughness Perception in Autism. Autism Research


Neural variability: friend or foe? TICS

Cortical variability in the sensory-evoked response in autism. JADD

Dissociating visual and motor directional selectivity using visuomotor adaptation. J. Neuroscience


Recommendations for early diagnosis and intervention in autism spectrum disorders: an Italian-Israeli consensus conference. Eur. Pediatric Neurology

Scale-invariant movement encoding in the human motor system. Neuron


Unreliable evoked responses in autism. Neuron

Influence of meditation on anti-correlated networks in the brain. Frontiers Human Neuroscience

Reduction in Inter-Hemispheric Connectivity in Disorders of Consciousness. PLOS One


Disrupted neural synchronization in toddlers with autism. Neuron


Normal movement selectivity in autism. Neuron


Executed and observed movements have different distributed representations in human aIPS. J. Neuroscience

Human cortex: reflections of mirror neurons. Current Biology

Interhemispheric correlations of slow spontaneous neuronal fluctuations revealed in human sensory cortex. Nature Neuroscience

BOLD and spiking activity. Nature Neuroscience

A mirror up to nature. Current Biology


Brain areas selective for both observed and executed movements. J. Neurophysiology

Azrieli National Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment
Dinstein lab, Psychology department, BGU
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
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